Privacy Policy

Kindly review this Privacy Policy with care.

By engaging with WHOIS API’s website or any related services, you are affirming your acceptance of our practices surrounding the gathering, usage, disclosure, storage, and safeguarding of your personal data as outlined in this document. Please note that if you withhold the data we deem necessary, it might prevent us from delivering the full scope of our services to you.

The Privacy Policy saw its most recent update on April 28, 2024.

WHOIS JSON API holds your privacy in high regard and is committed to ensuring the security of your personal information. Our Privacy Policy details the type of personal data we collect and the ways in which we process it.

As stipulated by this Privacy Policy, GDPR compliance may be relevant for you if your clientele includes European Union residents or if you manage or have access to Personal Data as specified by the GDPR, Regulation (EU) 2016/679.


Our Privacy Policy oversees the handling of personal data via our Services. It is not applicable to data collected independently of the Services.

We define "personal information" as data linked to an individual that might allow their identification either directly from the data or by combining that data with other information in WHOIS API’s possession or likely to come into such possession. Data that is anonymized or aggregated, rendering it incapable of identifying an individual, does not fall under our definition of personal information.

Collection of Information

Information may be gathered when you interact with our Services, such as registering, communicating with us, or during service usage.

The types of personal information we collect include identities, contact details, unique device identifiers, service usage data, and information via cookies among others.

Your Choices and Control

You hold the option not to disclose personal information and manage cookie settings, impacting service quality accordingly.

Requests to delete personal information can be made, with the understanding that it exempts WHOIS API from related liability or obligations.

You acknowledge that information provided for our Services is not of a sensitive nature, excluding categories like health conditions, political beliefs, etc.

Security Measures

WHOIS API commits to safeguarding your information with commercially appropriate measures, and we intend to notify you if a security incident occurs.

Information Disclosure

Your personal information may be shared with necessary third-parties for service delivery or legal compliance but not for their advertising purposes without your explicit consent.

We limit the access of sub-contractors to your information and enforce confidentiality obligations through contracts.

Privacy Shield Framework

WHOIS API participates in the Privacy Shield Framework, ensuring protection for data transferred from the EU and Switzerland to the U.S.

Other Provisions

When using the Services, you must handle personal data according to the law and indemnify WHOIS API for any liabilities arising from your data practices.

You commit to notifying WHOIS API about erroneous personal information.

Our Privacy Policy may be updated at any time, and continued use of Services indicates acceptance of these changes.

© 2024 Whois JSON APIs. All Rights Reserved

Contact us: [email protected]